Association Board and Committees
Executive Committee (Board)
Under the leadership of the Chairperson, the Executive Committee is responsible for guiding the Association between annual meetings.
Directors elected to Executive Committee
- Brett Tarrant, BlueScope Steel (Chair)
- Emelie Stenbeck, ASMS (Vice Chair)
- Craig Heidrich, HBM Group (Co. Sec)
- James Howard, Independent Cement & Lime
- Syed Zaidi, Infrabuild
- Matthew Criss, SCE Group
- Chani Tennakoon, Independent Cement & Lime (Chair - National Technical and Education Committee)
Technical Committee
The National Technical Committee convenes four times per year at various locations around Australia. Members are encouraged to attend in person, but can also via webinar facilities. The main function of the National Technical and Education Committee is to share and develop technical information relating to beneficial use iron and steel slag co-products.
Members of the committee are entitled to be involved in research projects, the Australian Standards Committee and the presentation of papers at various conferences and seminars both nationally and internationally.
Chair - Chani Tennakoon, Independent Cement & Lime
Education Committee
The National Education Committee convenes four times per year at various locations around Australia. Members are encouraged to attend in person, but can also via webinar facilities. The Committee is responsible for educating and communicating the advantages of slag products to users in the industry as well as other interested stakeholders.
Since formation, the Committee has been involved in the organisation of conferences, seminars and events to promote the attributes of slag products. This committee is responsible for the development of publications, various technical guides and the Association website.
Chair - Craig Heidrich, HBM Group