Technical Guides
A guide to the use of iron blast furnace slag in cement and concrete The technical guide, which is supplementary to the Association’s Guide to the Use of Slag in Roads, reviews in some detail the properties of slag in cement and concrete. The guide is a technical evaluation supported by field experience, that shows a coproduct such as iron blast furnace slag has, in many applications, properties suitable to replace or supplement and improve traditional materials.
A guide to the use of iron and steel slag in roads This Guide supersedes the 1993 version of A Guide to the Use of Slag in Roads. Since 1993 there have been significant improvements in road technology in Australasia, particularly in the area of pavement materials development and road stabilisation. Slag has played a significant part in these improvements.
A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings This “Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings” is the third in a series of publications to promote understanding and the appropriate usage of slag based products. The other publications were “A Guide to the Use of Slag in Roads” published in June 1993 and “A Guide to the Use of Iron Blast Furnace Slag in Cement and Concrete” published in April 1997.
Quick Reference Guide 1 - 2013 - Roads Guide Supplement on General Applications This QRG seeks to update material from the Guide to the use of iron and steel slag in roads. It focuses on the general aspects of different slag types and applications as the basis for the coming documents which will focus specifically on Stabilisation, SFS and EAFS.
Quick Reference Guide 3 - 2014 - Steel Furnace Slag Guide This QRG seeks to update material from the Guide to the use of iron and steel slag in roads. It focuses on the specific aspects related to the use of Steel Furnace Slag (SFS) in terms of its physical and chemical characteristics, applications and case studies.
Quick Reference Guide 4 - 2015 - Electric Arc Furnace Slag GuideThis QRG seeks to update material from the Guide to the use of iron and steel slag in roads. It focuses on the specific aspects related to the use of Electric Arc Furnace Slag (EAFS) in terms of its physical and chemical characteristics, environmental impact, applications and case studies.