
The Australasian (iron & steel) Slag Association (ASA) was formed in 1990 by a group of leading steel, cement, quarrying and slag processing companies, with the common interest of increasing community, business and government awareness of the superior construction properties, environmental and value added benefits derived from the various iron and steel furnace slag’s (ISS).  The Association activities and membership are limited to the regions of Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. 

Membership Structure

The ASA is incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) Registered No. Y 13273-40. Being a not-for-profit organisation it carries out research and technology transfer on behalf of members. As such, it is exempt from paying income tax in Australia. The association has adopted a modified constitution setting out its governance, membership structures and rights. The Association has three grades of membership.

Full membership is open to producers, processors, and marketers of ISS. Annually all members will be required to report total slag production and or product/sales corresponding with each category. These reported results will be combined to calculate the membership levy for each company based on the combined contribution volumes. Each member's primary category (1, 2 or 3) will be that in which the largest volume of slag was sold. Full members have voting rights at all Association meetings. The annual minimum membership fees are:

Full Member Category 1 -- minimum fee of $10,000 (excluding GST)
Full Member Category 2 & 3 -- minimum fee of $4,500 (excluding GST)

Associate and Overseas Membership is open to any organisation or individual interested in the objectives of the Association. Associate and Overseas Members are encouraged to attend and participate in all association activities and meetings, however, they do not have voting rights. The annual membership fee is:

Associate membership is $1,000 (exclusive of GST)
Overseas membership fee is $600 (no GST)

Download the Membership Prospectus

Download the Application Form