ASCP Concrete Pavements Forum: Brisbane

Posted 20-03-2019
Category Events

The ASCP's first Concrete Pavements Brisbane forum for 2019 will be held on 10 April.

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Global Slag Conference: Last Chance to Vote!

Posted 18-03-2019
Category Events

Voting closes on 19 March for this year's Global Slag Awards. All participants in the global iron, steel, slag and slag cement industries have a free vote. The Global Slag Awards will be presented at the 14th Global Slag Conference which will take place on 26 - 27 March 2019 in Aachen, Germany.

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The New AS 3600-2018 Concrete Structures Code: What Impact Will it Have on You?

Posted 28-02-2019
Category Events

Australian Standard AS3600 was recently updated and released in 2018. However, the Standard was also subjected to a number of challenges during this revision. The Concrete Institute of Australia will be presenting a symposium in April 2019, providing designers and practitioners up to date information on changes to AS3600, why they have occurred, and the impact it will have on performance.

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What's New in Concrete

Posted 15-01-2019
Category Events

The Concrete Institute of Australia are hosting an informal night of some light food, drinks and networking to start off the year for 2019, as well as a presentation on what’s new in concrete.

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10th EUROSLAG Conference

Posted 15-01-2019
Category Events

The 10th Euroslag Conference is taking place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 9th – 11th October 2019. Be sure to mark your calendars now!

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NSA Celebrating 100 Years

Posted 07-01-2019
Category Events

The National Slag Association (NSA) celebrated their 100th anniversary during the Annual Meeting held in Washington DC, USA in September 2018. 

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14th Global Slag Conference

Posted 12-12-2018
Category Events

The 14th Global Slag Conference, Exhibition and Awards will be held in Aachen, Germany from 26 - 27 March 2019. 

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Conference: Pressure Equipment Innovation and Safety

Posted 09-12-2018
Category Events

Co-organised by the European Pressure Equipment Research Council (EPERC) and the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (INAIL), the 1st EPERC International Conference will be held in Rome, Italy from 1 - 3 April 2019. 

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World of Concrete 2019

Posted 20-11-2018
Category Events

World of Concrete 2019 is quickly approaching! Held at the Las Vegas Convention Center from January 21 - 25, WOC will host more than 1,500 exhibiting companies and 58,000 registered industry professionals.

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CAMS 2018: Advancing Materials and Manufacturing

Posted 20-11-2018
Category Events

CMAS 2018 is Australia's largest interdisciplinary technical meeting on the latest advances in materials science, engineering and technology. The conference will be hosted at the University of Wollongong from November 27 - 29, 2018. 

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ILCCC 2019

Posted 18-11-2018
Category Events

The first international conference on Innovation in Low-Carbon Cement and Concrete technology (ILCCC) will be held on the 24 - 26th June 2019 in London.

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ASCP 5th Concrete Pavements Conference

Posted 16-11-2018
Category Events

The ASCP biennial Concrete Pavements Conference presents a wealth of information and experience for industry practitioners and includes a number of international experts as key presenters.

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World of Coal Ash

Posted 14-11-2018
Category Events

WOCA is an international conference organised by the American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) and the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER). The 2019 conference is the 8th joint biennial meeting with a focus on the science, applications and sustainability of worldwide coal combustion products (CCPs) as well as gasification products

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fib Congress 2018: 5 Days To Go!

Posted 02-10-2018
Category Events

fib 2018 is only five days away! The congress will focus on the theme 'Better - Smarter - Stronger'.  

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Engineered Construction Materials from Recycled Waste

Posted 24-09-2018
Category Events

RMIT University  are  hosting a workshop in October, focusing on engineered construction materials from recycled waste. Craig Heidrich, CEO, will be attending and speaking on behalf of the Australasian (iron & steel) Slag Association (ASA).

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2019 Awards for Excellence

Posted 04-09-2018
Category Events

The Concrete Institute of Australia  have  announced the launch of their 2019 Awards for Excellence in Concrete Program. 

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HiTeMP Forum 2018

Posted 21-08-2018
Category Events

The Zero Carbon High Temperatures Mineral Processing Forum will bring together companies, researchers, investors and policy makers to scope further action on decarbonising the mineral processing sector.

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Concrete 2019 Program Updates

Posted 30-07-2018
Category Events

The Concrete 2019 Scientific Committee invites you to submit your abstract for the 29th Biennial National Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia held at the International Convention Centre Sydney. Read more for further information on program updates. 

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ASI 2018 Convention

Posted 18-06-2018
Category Events

The Australian Steel Institute's 2018 Convention will be held on 16 - 18 September at the Park Hyatt, Melbourne. 

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7th Australian Industrial Ecology Conference

Posted 03-06-2018
Category Events

The Australian Industrial Ecology Network is now calling for papers for the 7th Australian Industrial Ecology Conference to be held from 19 to 21 September 2018.

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Condition Assessment and Service Life Evaluation

Posted 18-03-2018
Category Events

Maintaining the condition of a concrete structure is integral to ensuring long-term durability and service life. The expert staff at this seminar will share technical knowledge and experience surrounding concrete durability, optimum mix design and specification to ensure your goals are achieved.

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International Stewardship Forum

Posted 27-02-2018
Category Events

Sustainability Advantage (SA) is a proud supporter of the International Stewardship Forum in Sydney 4-5 April. Note, SA Partners are eligible for $200 reduction in the registration fee.

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25 Days left to Register - World of Concrete

Posted 09-11-2017
Category Events

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Concrete 2017 - Report

Posted 25-10-2017
Category Events

The Concrete Institute of Australia’s Biennial National Conference, Concrete 2017 was held at the Adelaide Convention Centre, from 22nd October, 25th October, 2017.

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10 Days until Concrete 2017

Posted 12-10-2017
Category Events

Concrete 2017 will be the 28th Biennial National Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia and will be held in the beautiful city of Adelaide, South Australia.  

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