Call for Papers - 5th FutureCem Conference & Exhibition

Posted 22-07-2024
Category News

The 5th Global FutureCem Conference & Exhibition is being held in Istanbul 2025!

The Call for Papers is now OPEN - Please send your proposed presentation title to the conference convenor Dr Robert McCaffrey, to

The conference will be held on the 5th - 6th February in Istanbul, and will examine the next steps forward for the cement industry in a low- or zero-carbon world, through decarbonisation. Cement producers - who already produce, package, distribute and sell cementitious materials - are ideally placed to become the leaders in the new ‘no-carbon’ cements. Covering all the alternatives to OPC, as well as low-carbon options for concrete, this conference will examine the way forward - to future cements.

Register NOW for early-bird discounts 

The conference looks at cement industry decarbonisation, including the following themes: Ash & Slag, Other SCMs including synthetic minerals, Alternative raw materials - including recycled concrete, Electrical efficiency, Environmental impact abatement, Process optimisation, and Waste heat recovery.

Nominations are now open in the inaugural Global FutureCem Awards for cement industry decarbonisation (to 1 January 2025). For exhibition options, please contact Paul Brown on or on Mob: +44 776 7475 998 without delay. In addition, the Virtual Global FutureCem Seminar - with free registration - will take place on Tuesday 29 October 2024.

We look forward to hearing from you soon, and to welcoming you to the 5th Global FutureCem Conference, Exhibition and Awards in Istanbul in February 2025!


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