Australian Government Inject Almost $60 Million Into Low Emission Iron & Steel Research

Posted 11-04-2024
Category News

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), acting on behalf of the Australian government, have allocated $59.1 million in funding to 21 research projects.

These initiatives aim to bolster research and development efforts as well as facilitate the commercialisation of technologies related to renewable hydrogen, low emissions iron, and steel.

The funding has been provided to research teams from some of Australia’s top universities, research organisations, start-ups, and companies.

Between $1.4 million and $5 million will be allocated to eight steel and iron ore projects, while the lion's share of the funds, totalling $34.2 million, will be distributed among 13 renewable hydrogen projects.

The successful projects ranged from using electric smelting furnaces in the production of iron ore and steel to "upcycling" steelmaking slag for reuse.

"Innovation starts in the lab and we have the best minds taking our decarbonisation efforts to the next level - to the benefit of Australians through jobs, lower emissions and cheaper energy," Chief Executive Darren Miller said.

"We're backing Australian technological innovation that helps build our clean industries and underpins our ambitions of becoming a renewable energy superpower."

Some of the Iron & Steel funding projects include:

Recipient: The University of Wollongong

Project: Australian Pilbara Iron Ores in an Electric Smelting Furnace Process

ARENA funding ($): $2 million

Total Project Cost ($): $4.2 million


Recipient: University of New South Wales

Project: Blast Furnace Innovations: Integrating New Injections & Burdens for Sustainable, Low-Carbon Ironmaking Transitions

ARENA funding ($): $4.4 million

Total Project Cost ($): $18.1 million


The announcement of ARENA's funding coincides with the release of the Climate Council's "Seize the Decade" report on emission reduction. According to the report, Australia has the potential to achieve its environmental targets by enhancing the efficiency of iron and steel manufacturing.

Drawing on modelling from the University of Technology Sydney, the report suggests that Australia should aim to enhance energy efficiency in steel and iron production by five percent by 2030, alongside increasing the collection and recycling of scrap metals.


To find out more, including the other projects that have been awarded funding, VISIT


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